Services Plugins FAQs

Map Extender - Directions Refresh

Hi !
I need to update the user’s (A) location in real time to the destination (B).
I have latitude and longitude fields in the user table that are updated by another application.

I added the functionality Tracker User MapExtender to start the tracker but the user location update is not based on the latitude and longitude fields in the user table.

I would like to know how do I update point A/B (directions) or the User’s location based on the latitude and longitude fields in the User table?

Hello, @edukmattos!

We have investigated your request and would like to highlight a few moments in it.

To track the current user’s location you can use the built-in Bubble editor feature “Current geographic position”. It has both Lgn/Lat parameters.

Apologizes, but your use case is a bit confusing since it is not quite clear what is the purpose of updating the live position of the user the Lgn/Lat parameters taken from your side app. Would you kindly clarify this moment? :pray:

The “Track User MapExtender” action is used for displaying the current user’s position and his/her moving on the map. This action has two fields Default Lat/ Default Lng in which you can use the Bubble’s Current Geographic position and if it is necessary to pull the address/location (Lng/Lat) from the database you can modify these fields to another point - “Do a search for…” and enter the necessary table’s names.

In case you have any additional questions or would like to clarify your request, please let me know, I’ll be glad to help.


Hi, @Lera !

I need to visualize the displacement of a specific user through a combo box. Updating the lat/long of the selected user is performed by sending a URL in an apk installed on the user’s phone.

I have another doubts:

  1. Using the user tracker. where are the user’s displacements stored? Could you explain better how it works?

  2. Is it possible on the same map to show the distance between two points and add another marker?

Hello, @edukmattos!

Thank you for the details of your use case. Unfortunately the action you would like to do, exactly to track third-party user’s movement in real-time, is possible only with Map Box plugin, not with Map Extender. This plugin returns states with a list of markers and states that contain Latitude & Longitude as well as addresses. In addition to this plugin, it is necessary to use one more plugin (free) named “Ultimate Toolkit”.

I’d like to share a simple instruction with detailed workflow’s customization:

To read the full description, documentation and watch the video overview of the Map Box plugin you can by the link below:

Apologizes for inconvenience :pray: