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Plugin Wasabi - Store Url in Bubble


I need help. I followed the instructions above because I want to store a URL in my Buuble database. A process starts and a new data tab is also created, but this is empty. I’ve tried many variations and just can’t get it right. Can you help me?

Hi @Marc86, thanks for reaching out.

Allow me to recommend

  • adding short pauses before the Retrieve files and Create a new thing action, will allow proper retrieval and saving of the data.
  • checking if the path indicated within the Retrieve Files action is correct.
  • adding an “Only when” condition to the Create a thing action which will specify “Wasabi - Retrieved Files’s S3 URL is not empty”.

Hope this will help. If any issue will persist, please let me know.


I’ve tried your suggestion, but with no positive result. I inserted pauses of 10 seconds and still I don’t get a URL back. If I insert the option only when, then I don’t get an entry at all.

However, if I place the call on the upload element, as in the last picture, with the Last Item option, then it works. However, since I might encounter problems with the last element workflow in my app at a later point in time, I would like to fix it with the API call.

Any ideas?

@Marc86, thanks for your reply.

This might mean that the path indicated in the Retrieve files action is not correct. Please be sure that the actual path to the file and the path indicated within the action is the same.
