Services Plugins FAQs

A clear tutorial on how to get started

I’m looking to convert our web abb into a native Android app. I’ve watched the videos available on the website only to find that the project files are in a different heirarchy than those example ones in the tutorial videos. Is there something I’m missing? I can’t figure out how to get started on this at all. Many thanks.

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There should be a nicely created documentation folder in the project. It was updated few days ago.

Best regards

It isn’t clear on to first import the Android files into the app studio. I’ve tried lots of times and its not doing anything.

If you can give us better explanation what is going on, we will do our best to help you.

@kopris2003 I know you are on vacation but if you can find time and internet access at all to see this as an android developer, please help us resolve any issues that we could have with the app.


I just returned from my vacation.
Can you send me more information what is the problem?

Best regards

Hi @kopris2003 – I’m having the same issue… I was able to figure out iOS ok (due to prior experience with iOS), but Android is completely foreign to me.

Here is the error I’m getting. Am I even opening the right file in AndroidStudio?

The tutorial video seems to show different folders/files.


Can you send me your LogCat?
Did you try on real device?
Can you try on other emulator?

Best regards

@kopris2003 - Sent you a PM with my LogCat & more videos. Still not working. Thanks!