Services Plugins FAQs

Advanced Audio Player with even more advanced features

Would it be possible to make the “Advanced Audio Player” even more awesome by adding these two functionalities?

  • make it fully compatible with native backend playing & media controls. so that when the site is used on a mobile device such as iPhone and the phone is locked, you can control the player and more importantly, it automatically starts the next song when one finishes

  • add the waveform capabilities from the Waveform Audio Player which I believe is also a zeroqode plug-in now (?)

thanks for considering.


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Hello @ahug, :wave:

Thank you for your suggestions for enhancing the plugin. I will add them to the Plugin ideas, so our development team will check if its feasible. If it’s possible, we may consider adding them in future updates of the plugin.

In the meantime, could you please provide more details on these features? Specifically, for the native backend playing & media controls, are you looking for any particular behaviors or controls beyond the usual play, pause, skip, and volume adjustments? And for the waveform capability, are there specific visual or interactive elements you’re interested in?

Your input will help us better understand your needs and prioritize potential new features accordingly.

Thank you for your contribution, and looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,

hey, thanks for your response.

The specific features I’m looking for in backend playing are:
play, pause, play next song, play previous song and most importantly, automatically play next song when song is ended. display cover artwork in iOS lock screen would be a bonus.

For the waveform capabilities, the Waveform Audio Player that I mentioned does a great job at creating the waveform and saving them as a json in the DB for faster loading. If Advanced Audio Player could do this is would be great. To display the waveform it would be nice if it was a separate element that can be placed anywhere, one that is not specifically tied to the player itself. So it could be used within RGs that contain multiple audio files creating a look like this:

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Hello @ahug, :wave:

Thanks for listing the features you’re looking for in the backend playing capabilities. Regarding automatically playing the next song and the other functionalities, I will need to check with our developers about the feasibility within our native services (not sure if that would be possible). If you’re using another native wrapper, please note that we can’t guarantee the plugin will work in environments outside our own wrapper.

For the waveform display, we currently have plugins like the Audio Video Player with a waveform, and we also offer the Waveform Audio Player that can create waveforms. Currently, we do not have plans to integrate waveform capabilities into the Advanced Audio Player.

You can consider using one of the available plugins with the waveform feature. If you need further information to help you choose, feel free to ask!

Best regards,

Hi there, this is a really great plugin. I was wondering if it was possible to give the option to hide the options button, the download button and speed button. The key thing is the download button. We’re building a audio based feedback platform, but due to security concerns we want to make it challenging to be able to download the audio.

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 18.11.14


Hello @dan2 ,
Thank you for you message and sorry for the late reply.

The key thing is the download button. We’re building a audio based feedback platform, but due to security concerns we want to make it challenging to be able to download the audio.

We understand how crucial it is for your platform to control the accessibility of downloads due to security concerns.

We are currently looking into the possibility of providing options to hide the download button.

We will get back to you as soon as possible with more information or potential solutions. Your patience in the meantime is greatly appreciated. :pray:

Thank you for your inquiry, and we’ll be in touch soon!
Have a nice weekend. :sunny:

Hello @dan2 ,
I hope you are doing well.:slightly_smiling_face:

After checking with our devs we came to the conclusion the playback and download options are not present by default, but rather are actions that need to be set up manually, by being added inside an event. like clicking an icon or button etc.

You can disable the workflows containing the download/playback actions or remove them altogether if they are not relevant to your use case .

Let us know if this is helpful or if that is not the solution for your case, please describe how are you triggering the display of the Playback and Download options and check if they are not present in your worflows.

Looking forward to your reply.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Hi Vasile,

No worries with the response time. It’s been a bank holiday this weekend in London, so I’ve been working on other stuff :sweat_smile:

I’ve created a Loom video which I hope explains this, but happy to jump on DMs if it’s unclear!

Thanks so much!

I’ve also just realised I may have an old version before you purchased this plugin, but I’m on the latest version.

@dan2 are you sure you are using “Advanced Audio Player” plugin? mine looks very different

Hello @dan2 ,
Thank you for sharing the new video recording. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve also just realised I may have an old version before you purchased this plugin, but I’m on the latest version.

After watching the recording we have noticed as @ahug suggested that the plugin on you side looks different, could you please confirm that you are using Advanced Audio Player by Zeroqode ?

Alternatively, you can check the name and author of the plugin by going to the plugins tab>searching the name of the plugin and confirming those details to us.

Please provide us with these details in order to avoid confusion and make sure we are offering precise advice.
Have a nice day! :sunny: