I’m trying out Air BBcode to HTML and it looks like it is missing some tags. Please see my example below.
Source created in Bubble rich text editor:
Saved to the database as:
[url=https://www.bryceharvey.com]This is a test[/url] of a URL.
And this is a URL that is [url=https://www.bryceharvey.com][b]BOLD[/b][/url]
[h1]This is a Headline.[/h1]
Now, let's try some bullet points:
[ml][ul][li indent=0 align=left]Point 1[/li][ul data=1][li indent=1 align=left]Point 2[/li][li indent=1 align=left]Point 3[/li][/ul][/ul][/ml]- This is another point.
- And Another One
[ml][ul][li indent=0 align=left]This is point 4[/li][/ul][/ml]
Converted with Air BBcode to HTLM as:
And converted source is:
<a href='https://www.bryceharvey.com' target='_blank'>This is a test</a> of a URL. <br><br>
And this is a URL that is <a href='https://www.bryceharvey.com' target='_blank'><strong>BOLD</strong></a><br>
<h1>This is a Headline.</h1><br><br>
Now, let's try some bullet points:<br>
<ml><ul><li>Point 1</li>[ul data=1][li indent=1 align=left]Point 2[/li][li indent=1 align=left]Point 3[/li]</ul></ul></ml>
- This is another point. <br>
- And Another One<br>
<ml><ul><li>This is point 4</li></ul></ml>