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Air Calendar - Indicator Line is in a wrong place


I have a calendar integrated.

  1. The little indicator line is absolutely in a wrong timezone
  2. It seems that if I edit the Owner’s timezone to MY current timezone then it works…

The problem is that if theis set to “local” then for some reason it does not pick the right timezone. Even if I set up the timezone with the action the little indictor is in a wrong place:


Help would be appreciated!

Hey @denes

Thanks for reaching out!

We’ll investigate the issue on our end and keep you informed of any progress. In the meantime, could you specify the calendar view you’re using? Additionally, if you could provide a video recording demonstrating the problem, it would greatly assist us in resolving it promptly. :pray:

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

  1. Calendar view is day

2. the picture is taken at 4:40pm Pacific time and it shows 8:40 am
3. If I set the Owner’s timezone to PST it renders good - but I can’t make it dynamic unfortunately…

Hi @denes

Thank you! Let us please investigate the issue. I will get back to you as soon as I have any news. :slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards,

Hello @denes

Thank you for your patience. :pray:

We’ve made an update to the plugin, including the addition of a current time dropdown. This dropdown will now set the calendar’s owner time zone in the calendar if it is set to “local time.” If the owner’s time zone field is set to “local time”, it will only affect the events. Could you please upgrade your plugin to the latest version and test it out?

Now, if you set the current time field to “local time,” the current date/time indicator line should be in the correct place.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,


Very interestingly the problem got resolved a few days after the original submission. I updated to the new one and works well too…

Thanks for the help!

Hey @denes

Glad to hear that! Please let me know if I can try to help you with anything else. It will be a pleasure to cooperate. :slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards,