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Air Calendar - unable to customize design in dayGridWeek

Hi everyone!
I’ve just started using the Air Calendar for my app and it’s great how much I can customize. However, in the view “dayGridWeek” I lack the ability to change the background color of the current day. It’s set to a yellow-ish color and I can’t find a way to change it. Neither can I change the color of the current time from the red color.

Does anyone know how to customize this? :slight_smile: If not, consider this a feature request (@zeroqode).

Best regards,

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Hello @isak.u ,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Regarding your request, it’s currently not possible to change the current day’s color directly from the element. However, you can use a workaround by adding a small (e.g., 1x1) Bubble HTML element in your app[image]. Then, include the following CSS in that HTML element:

.fc .fc-timegrid-col.fc-day-today{
      background-color: #f0f8ff !important;

And replace #f0f8ff with any color you prefer.

As for the time indicator color, there is a field called “Color time indicator” for it, but it appears to be non-functional at the moment. We’ll fix it in the next plugin update. In the meantime, you can also use CSS styling in the HTML element to change it:

#ID_Attribute .fc {
  --fc-now-indicator-color: #008000 !important;

Replace ID_Attribute with the actual ID attribute of your Air Calendar element[image], and feel free to change #008000 to any color you want.

Could you please try these suggestions on your end and let me know how the work for you or if you have any further unclarities or questions?

Thanks, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Support Team
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Hi Stephan and thanks for your quick reply.

Your solution works great, thanks a lot!


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Hey @isak.u ,

Thank you so much for your feedback! :hugs:

It’s always great to hear that our solutions worked well for you. Please feel free to reach out any time you have questions or run into any difficulties with our plugins. It’s always my pleasure to ensure everything runs smoothly on your end. :pray:

Based on your feedback, it was also decided to add the option to select the current day’s color directly from the element in our next plugin version—so stay tuned!

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Here are a few quick links where you can leave a review for your convinience :pray: :

Thank you again, and have a wonderful week ahead!

Best wishes,
Support Team
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Hey @isak.u ,

I’m writing to provide a quick follow-up.

We’ve just updated the plugin to version 2.120.0. In this update, we’ve fixed the “Color time indicator” field so it now correctly setting the time indicator line color. Additionally, we’ve added a new field: the “Current day cells color” field, which allows you to customize the color of the current day in the calendar dirrectly from the element.

These new options should enhance your experience with the app. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to let me know. :hugs:

Best regards,
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

Thanks, works like a charm! :slight_smile:


Hey @isak.u ,

Thank you for your confirmation.:pray:

I’m glad to hear that the fields are working well for you. I also observed your request via email regarding the message that appears when the data source is not fully loaded. Please keep us updated on your progress or let us know if you have any other questions—we’re always pleased to help you out. :hugs:

If you’ve found our plugins and support helpful, we’d greatly appreciate it if you could share your feedback with a broader audience. Your feedback is invaluable to both us and the Bubble community, and it inspires us to continue delivering top-notch products and excellent service. :blush:

Here are some quick links where you can leave a review:

Thank you again, and have a wonderful day ahead. :pray:

Best wishes,
Support Team
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