Services Plugins FAQs

Aircalendar On Click Event Error

Hello, I recently updated the plugin to 2.26 and began to see the following error:

I have a workflow which is fired when an event is clicked in the calendar. The workflow displays the event details in a popup (display data in a group/popup action). This used to work perfectly in the past, before the update, but no longer.

The issue we have is that when there are multiple appointments with the same title in our scheduler, click action only transfers the first item, and fails to refresh data when subsequent items are clicked, resulting in the popup showing the first event details for every click. If an event with a different name is clicked, the data get refreshed, but again fails if another event with same title is clicked. Please can anyone help unpick this new issue?

Hi @kenl, thanks for your message.
Would it be convenient, in addition to the provided description, to share (here or in DM) a screencast or screenshots with the related setup and use case with appeared issues?
It will allow us to identify any possible cause much faster.

Looking forward to your reply.


I have just sent the video which shows the issue by DM.

Hi @kenl,
In addition to the provided video, please add our as a collaborator of your app
That will allow us to check what’s wrong with your setup and test it out in our workspace.

Enter your Bubble editor page → Settings → “Collaboration” tab → Invite a user (email).

(Note: disregard the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.)

I will check your setup and do a few tests in an attempt to find the root cause and help you fix it.
In case it is ok for you, please let me know.


Hello, I did this a few days back - awaiting your assessment…

Hi @kenl, thanks for letting me know about the provided access.

I’m afraid that with the current access level we can’t perform proper testing (no possibility to Run as a certain user).

Please modify the access rights to “View and edit” and also indicate the user profile that we should user, in addition to the page where the case with Air calendar is set up.

Looking forward to your reply.

Hi there, I am bumping this as I am having the exact same issue. I have the workflow set to bring a popup, and then display the data from the clicked current event in the popup. If I have just one item on the calander It shows the right information, however if I have more than one item on the calander, it will only show the information of the first item on the calander and subsequent items will show the first items info when the pop up is triggered by clicking on the event.

I have reviewed the database and the information is correct there, and is correct in repeating groups, so it seems to be an issue with the calanders behavior. Can you please help ASAP? Here is the video of whats happening. I am also attaching screenshots.

Hi @brandonstowe,

Thank you for your message and sorry for the delayed reply over the weekend.

To understand better your use case, please provide more details about your app configuration, such as:
The plugin element configuration is the group where you use the element, actions, and events used from the workflow tab. Also, I recommend using step-by-step mode to ensure that your workflow is running accordingly and you don’t have any empty data sent.

Here are a few suggestions that might help:

  1. Ensure that the workflow triggering the popup is correctly set up for each calendar event. The event that triggers the popup should be specific to the calendar item clicked
  2. Use Bubble debugger and step-by-step mode to check the workflow steps and data sources.

Looking forward to your reply.