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AirNative plugin Push notification error

Hi I have an error, which I don’t know how to fix.
After I set up plugin intergration and configured the One singal push notification in workflow, after clicking the button by admin which suppose to trigger push notification to a user, a pop up appears:


Can you help, please?

Hi @sylwiab,
Thank you for reaching out.

In case you would like to send a push notification to one user, you have to use Air Native - OneSignal push notification to individual action, and under the body player_id field you have to insert the user’s ID.
In order to get the OneSignal deviceID (Player ID ) in the plugin state OneSignal Device ID you have to use this action:
Get OneSignal deviceID, you can use this action on page load, and after that save it inside your database and use it in the action above to send push notifications.
Here is an example:

If you would like to send push notifications to multiple users please use the OneSignal push notification to list of users - this action allows inserting an array of player_ids separated by commas. Please make sure to use square brackets for defining an array and Double Quotation Marks for each individual player_ID as you can see in the screenshot below.

You can find more detailed information in the Air Native plugin supporting documenation: Setup Guide

Please try my suggestions, and let me know if they worked. :slight_smile:
Have a great day.

Hey @Igor - Im just getting this error today. It has been working but today not. checked player ids in logs ok.

Hi @chaddickson83,
Thank you for your message.

If you are using the Air Native - OneSignal push notification to list of users action to send push notification to a list of Users.
Please make sure to use square brackets for defining an array and Double Quotation Marks for each individual player_ID, separated by commas, as you can see in the screenshot below.

For additional information, please check the Setup Guide: Setup Guide

In case the issue still persists, please share a screenshot of your workflow setup, and the result from Bubble Debugger in step-by-step mode to verify the values of this field.

Best regards,

Thanks @Igor , I cant get to the debugger results as the error pop up stops me from progressing. Im just using single push notification

Thanks @Igor , I cant get to the debugger results as the error pop up stops it from progressing. Can we line up a call?

Hi @chaddickson83,
Thank you for your message.

I’ll paste here the message that I sent you in DM and helped you solve the issue with launch_URL. Hope it will be useful for other users as well. :slight_smile:

When using the AIr Native plugin action OneSignal push notification to individual, please make sure to insert the launch_URL in double quotation marks according to the documentation description:

After the Air Native plugin Update V.1.16 - Updated “Push notification” actions, there were some changes for the launch_URL and if not using double quotation marks Bubble is showing a “null” result that’s why it is mandatory to wrap the launch_URL in double quotation marks if you are using version 1.16 or later of the Air Native Plugin.

In case you have additional questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me, I’ll be glad to help.
All the best, :pray:

Hi, I´m using the “Air Native - OneSignal push notification to individual” action to send push notifications from my backend workflow to the users. Still, I´m having issues because the player_ids value from the function GetOneSignalDeviceID is the Subscription Id in One Signal and not the One Signal ID to send the push.

I´ve tried copying the One Signal ID value in the player_ids field and the push is sent correctly. Can someone else give me support, please.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @carlosarizar,

Thank you for your message.

I’ve reported this issue to the Air Native team and they are currently investigating it. Once we have any updates, we’ll make sure to get back to you and keep you informed. Thank you for reaching out.

Best regards,

Support Team
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