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Alchemy getNFTs filter by smart contract + token ID format


  1. I am trying to use this plugin (alchemy) to search for NFTs I own within a specific collection on mainnet eth but it seems to always just skip the parameter I set for the smart contract and only gives me the total number of NFTs in my wallet.

    in the last screenshot you can see in the smart contract section that it’s returning an NFT that does not use the smart contract i added to filter by
    Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 11.05.08

second, i am trying to decipher the token id that’s being returned. below is the token ID from opensea
Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 11.05.52

below is what’s being returned via the plugin:
Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 11.06.35
this is the tokenid returned: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000019ed

is that the same thing as what we see in opensea? how do they connect?

also for some reason, my alchemy account is set to rinkeby but it seems that the data being returned is from mainnet. Here’s a copy of a smart contract being returned when i look for all NFTs owned by current user: 0x330ceed8e9fc1c5051389fe435c8574a22efd6b2

this smart contract doesn’t exist in rinkeby

Hello, @luisdavila612

Please check my reply on another your question:

Indeed, here is the issue on our side. All our calls are using mainnet, thus you receive the wrong result.
We will check it with our Developers Team and will revert to you with an update.

Best regards,

Hi! Here is the smart contract address:

  • 0x4515aade4455de6fab65999efc4552e656f9d2f5

here is the wallet address:

  • 0xE75c49e27B92745E6139aEb54Fb821F961C64E70

also here’s a video showing my issue: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Hello, @luisdavila612
Thanks for the provided information.

I need to notify you that there is a slight difficulty with receiving NFT from a specific collection (getNFTs action). After a deep analysis of the results, our team defined that this call returns not complete information. So, the issue is on Alchemy’s Side and our developers have already contacted their support team to fix this behavior.

I will revert to you with an update ASAP. Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,

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Hello, @luisdavila612
Thanks for your patience.

By this message, I would like to notify you that the issue with retrieving a specific collection through the getNFTs action is fixed.
Please upgrade the plugin to the latest version and give it a try.

Note that we have added a new field in the action:

And do not forget to set the states of the group in order to receive the images:

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,