Services Plugins FAQs

Algolia for Conditional Searches

I would like to implement an “analytics dashboard” in an app I’ve developed. Algolia does a great job of flattening the information from my Bubble database, so I’m hoping there’s a relatively simple solution.

Is it possible to query Algolia from bubble and receive “counting” stats as a result?

For example:

One of the parameters for my users is location data. I record the country, state, and city for each of my users.

Would it be possible for algolia to return a result that tells me the number of users based on that data? So if I input “New York City” as a query, I would receive a numeric result like “25,500”.

Hello there @dimitrimanaigo, our team will check your request, and I will update you of a matter ASAP,

Thank you,

I was actually able to figure out a solution. Thank you for your swift initial response!

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@dimitrimanaigo, Good luck,

Thank you,