Hi. I love the speed of using the lgoliaSimpleSearch plugin so far. However, when using Filters on the A I am getting results I do not expect.
Test 1
I get 12 results when I use the Filter:
Test 2
I run the following and got 19 results:
object:billingfile OR object:contact
Test 3
I then run the following filter and get zero results:
object:billingfile AND franchise:1687433775252x257357017907579700 OR object:contact
The same is true in this order:
object:contact OR object:billingfile AND franchise:1687433775252x257357017907579700
As far as I understand, I should be getting 12 results from this filter. It appears that the AND is superseding the following OR filter. Is there an issue with “X AND Y OR Z” not being possible with this plugin or a setting I am missing?
Please let me know if you need any further information