Services Plugins FAQs

Any documentation/Demo for Vapi Plugin?

I have a Vapi account and have installed the Zeroqode Bubble plugin, but I can’t figure out how to get it to work.

Is there any chance of documentation for dummies or examples?

For context, I currently have a GPT-4o chatbot that uses one of 50 sets of instructions, depending on what the user chooses, to do role-plays and want to offer these in voice as well as text.

It looks as if the plugin would do what I need because it will allow me to call Vapi and create and delete Vapi assistants on the fly, using the assistant instructions stored in my Bubble database. Thus, I could give the users a choice between a text-based or a voice-based conversation without having to replicate all of the assistant profiles in Vapi (although I’ll do that if needs be).


Hi @gary1,

Thanks a lot for reaching out to us :hugs:

Could you please confirm that you’re referring to this plugin? If it’s the correct one, please check out the documentation by clicking here or searching for the plugin on our main documentation page. You can also explore the demo page editor and the demo page to see how the plugin was set up on a Bubble page!

Please note that we recently acquired this plugin in our library, and we’re still working on successfully migrating it on our side! If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us here on the forum or via email at

Best regards :sunflower:


Thanks for the quick response. That is the plugin I was referring to, so thank you for the documentation and demo links.

I have houseguests most of this week but will try to carve out some time, to try to get it working and get back to you if I encounter any problems,

Thanks again for the quick response.



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Hi @gary1,

I’m delighted to hear that the information I provided was useful to you :hugs:

Please don’t hesitate to message us at any time. I’d be more than happy to assist you if you have any questions or concerns!

Best regards :hibiscus:

Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble


Hi Dorel

The instructions were very clear and step-by-step, and I got it to work the first time using both the Vapi default button and element actions.

However, the demo editor link goes to a page with many plugins, but they don’t include Vapi. As it’s working, I don’t need it until additional functionality is added.

Speaking of which, the one thing currently missing for me is the ability to get a transcription of the conversation. This is created with Vapi but I cannot find an action in the plugin to retrieve it. One to add to your wish list?

Thanks again for your help…I know my users will be very excited when I release the prototype.

