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Apex Bar Chart--What am I doing wrong?

Hey Zeroqode team! I’m trying to create a simple bar chart with your Apex Charts (54 Charts & Graphs) plugin and need guidance on structuring the series data. Specifically, I’m querying the “Leads” data type and grouping by the “When intro email sent” (type: date) field to see how many leads were sent an intro email each day.

I’d like to display the resulting counts on the Y-axis (list of numbers) and the corresponding dates on the X-axis (list of texts). However, I’m having trouble getting the plugin to recognize the data as a list of numbers for the series field. Could you walk me through the exact steps or share an example of how to properly configure the grouped search and populate the Series and Categories fields in the plugin’s settings?

Thanks in advance!

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Hello @michael.victor02,

Thanks for reaching out.

Regarding your question: the X-axis (or series categories) expects a list of texts values, while the Y-axis (or series data) expects a list of numbers. Please note that these field types are default Bubble fields, and the plugin doesn’t modify them in any way—the values are simply displayed on the chart.

For your use case, you can either use Bubble’s default functionalities or consider a plugin that converts your list of values into the desired format.

Thanks for understanding. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Best regards,
Support Team
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