Services Plugins FAQs

API Connector not working

Hello to everybody,
I already have an app with working API connection (it worked fine for more then 1 month with this settings).

But during last few days this API connection stopped working and even I can not initialize the call. When I try to initialize the call - I see this popup

Screenshot_44910×655 37 KB

The settings are the following

Screenshot_45750×696 24.7 KB

Whan I try to initialize the call with Postman 0 everything is fine with this settings

image1919×884 78.5 KB

Could you help me to understand what has happened to Connector and how to fix this?


Hello @a.v.krikunenko

Sorry for late reply :pray:
I’m afraid we can not anything regarding the encountered issue with API Connector. I would suggest you submit your query, to bubble via
Thanks for understanding.

Hi Dumitru!
API recovered and now works fine. But it is really frustrating in terms of business whan your app depends on API (and nobody can fix this bug) and not works for a few days.

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@a.v.krikunenko how did you fix this? I have the same issue with youtube

I have sloved the problem but still not 100% sure about the reasons.

I would assume thet this error was caused by high load in API Workflows (you can check it into your Logs). So whan you try to process many workflows in API Beckend simultaniously - API Connector stops working and the only way is to ask Bubble support to fix it.

I rebuild all API process (made it recursivelly - please check Bubble forum or ask coders). It was quite painfull but currently everything works fine.