Services Plugins FAQs

Appstore app rejected - itms services URL

This is the email i ve received from app store. I only put the url of my website and build it.

During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is not permitted on the App Store. Specifically, your app uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an app.

To resolve this issue, please refer to the following:

Lastly, based on your provided response, we find that your app does not comply with the following guideline:

Guideline 2.2 - Performance - Beta Testing

Your app includes content or features that users aren’t able to use in this version. Apps that are for demonstration, trial, or up-sell purposes are not appropriate for the App Store.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please complete, remove, or fully configure any partially implemented features. Additionally, remove all references to “demo,” “trial,” “beta,” or “test” in your app description, app icon, screenshots, previews, release notes, and binary.


If you would like to conduct a beta trial for your app, you may wish to review the TestFlight Beta Testing Guide.

We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app.

Best regards,

App Store Review

Search for “itms-services” in Xcode and remove those lines in the plist files.

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