Services Plugins FAQs

AudioRecorder not enabling Mic on Iphone (iOS 13.5.1)

I just realized that the plugin Audio Recorder is not working with iPhone iOS 13.5.1 (My model is a iPhone 7 but it didn’t worked on other models too).
It does not asks for permission in the browser to record audio as it does on Adroid phones or Chrome/Safari on MacOS (Catalina).

Any suggested workarounds or ongoing solutions?

Thank you.

Hello, @gabriel. Thanks for reaching out.

I’ve checked the Audio Recorder plugin work using iPhone 11 (v. 14 beta) - there is no issue, using Safari. But you can face some troubles with Chrome if your browser settings do not allow the access to micro/camera on default. For fixing this “access to microphone” issue I can suggest you take a look at this article:

I hope it helps :pray:

Hello @kate thanks for this quick reply. I got the same as you mentioned, using safari, but had no lucky using any other browser. That’s probably an Apple limitation issue, I guess. Anyway, thanks.

hope you have a great day


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Yes, perhaps the problem is in Apple limitations or browser/iOS versions inconsistencies. Anyways, you’d better double-check your phone > Microphone settings to make sure you’ve tried everything: (last section)

Apologies for such inconvenience :pray:
Have a great day too :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Gabriel,
I had a similar issue too. It seems that iOS has some restrictions with microphone access. Safari works fine, but other browsers might have issues. You can check your iPhone’s microphone settings to make sure everything is set up correctly.