Services Plugins FAQs

AWS File not upload some files

Hey there,

We are recently using this plugin and usually works perfectly, for videos, audios, etc.

However, I have been noticing the problem is with some specific files, for example, I downloaded some video from Youtube and another page and these 2 files are impossible to upload.

and this is the error in Bubble:

and this is the network error:

and as I said, only happens with some files, is any problem maybe with digital signature?

Thanks in advance

Hello, @noedo
Thanks for reaching out.

We have some assumptions about the mentioned issue. In order to check and exclude them, can you please let us know if you don’t use the illegal characters in the folder name and name of the files, you are trying to download:

Also, allow us to propose you upload any of the mentioned files (which reproduced the issue) on our Demo Page.
If the result will be negative, please let us know and we will investigate your case more carefully.

Looking to hear you soon.
Best regards,

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Hi @Ecaterina,

Thanks a lot for your quick answer.

I finally figure out what was the problem, and yes is the encoding on file names, the folder is created automatically, but the files i was trying to upload had some spaces and the encoding take it as “%20” and that generates the error.

However, is weird, because I could upload other one with spaces, and works, pls see the name of the files i tried and failed and succed:

Intro to Macro Mentors v4 (Final).mp4 - 58mb
VENOM 2 Official Trailer (2021)_360P.mp4 - 9,1mb

Intro_macromentors.mp4 (after change the name of the first one)
WhatsApp Video 2021-06-02 at 19.32.42.mp4 (but this is weird because has some spaces)

So, im pretty sure is te special characters, but is weird one of them allow me to upload

Hello, @noedo
Thanks for the details.

The reason for not uploading files, in this case, is simple. As was mentioned in my previous message, and especially on my screenshot, when using prohibited characters files cannot be uploaded.

In the titles of your files are used round brackets, which belong to the list of undesirable characters.
Just avoid them and other symbols, mentioned earlier and the files would be successfully uploaded.

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,

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Hi Ecaterina,

Yes I saw it, ia fixed, but just to your knowledge I accomplish to upload a video with this name:
WhatsApp Video 2021-06-02 at 19.32.42().mp4

with 3 round brackets, so is weird, but was the only case.

Thanks for support

Hello, @noedo
Happy to hear that you fixed it.

In case of any additional questions will appear-please let me know.
You are always welcome!

Best regards,

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Hi Ecaterina,

Actually yeah, I thing ask to the user to change the special characters is not really user friendly.

Do you know anyway to sanitize the names before to upload it?

Thanks in advance

Hello, @noedo

We are sorry for this inconvenience, however, it is just a way to avoid some errors, which could be returned from the AWS side.

Indeed, mentioned symbols could be used, but unfortunately, unexpected errors could appear and we can’t guarantee that it will work on your side. It is a behavior of the AWS S3 bucket and it can’t be controlled from our side.

The impliest way to avoid issues with file uploading is to follow the list with wrong characters and just to delete them from the title.

We apologize for it.
Best regards,