Services Plugins FAQs

AWS File uploader - Any size: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘1’)

Hello, I have 2 questions:

  • When I try to delete an image using the “Delete file” action, it doesn’t delete the image nor show me an error.
  • When I attempt to delete a list of images with the “Delete Files” action, I get a TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘1’).


  • RG with a list of books → a popup opens when clicking on a book → click the delete button to delete images → hide popup. There’s no reset involved.

Could you help me? Thank you.


Hello @ixml4d,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Based on the screenshots, it appears you’re not storing the files in a folder. We have identified a bug where the “delete file/files” actions fail to remove files that aren’t organized within a folder in your bucket.

Could you please provide screenshots of your setup for the “delete files” action? I’m asking because I haven’t encountered such an error before, and it might be related to how it’s set up.

Best regards :sunflower: