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AWS File Uploader Help on Creating Folder in S3

Hi, Developer of “AWS #1 File uploader - Any Size”!

I have subscribed to “AWS #1 File uploader - Any Size.” With this, I can store files in S3. What I wanted in S3 is to create a folder for each order and store files related to the order. How can I do this?

Now, the file uploader is creating separate folders with some random numbers for each file. The files are not stored in the same folder though they are uploaded at once.

I aspire to talk to the developer/author of the plugin. Please send me a message.

Hi, @kaiumuddin156!

Thanks for reaching out!

Let me check this opportunity and I’ll reach back to you asap. Thanks for patience and understanding!

Best, Julia.

Thank you for your response. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Hi, there!

Unfortunately, currently, there is no possibility to create a folder on AWS. But the good news is that we are already working on this. :slightly_smiling_face: So, I’ll get in touch as soon as we update the plugin.

Best, Julia.

Thank you. How long will it take to get the updated plugin?

Hi, @kaiumuddin156!

It is in progress already. I’m afraid I cannot provide the exact time estimates, but you can be sure, I do let you know when it’s done.

Best, Juia.

Hi, @kaiumuddin156!

Hope you are doing well and apologies for the slow reply!

We have updated the plugin with the ability to save the files into the specific S3 folder. Please upgrade the plugin to the latest version, refresh your app and give it a try again.
Here is a Live Demo to test it: and the updated docs page:

Best, Julia.

I have updated the plugin. Still, I am not able to create folder in S3. When I select

, it does not create any file in S3. When I select , it creates file in S3 with a random folder name . Please help me with this issue.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

It is creating the folder name with the unique id because it is set as the Folder structure, here:


You need to change it to this:


So it will create the folder name of your choice.
