Services Plugins FAQs

AWS File Uploader - Use different Buckets for Dev and Production


I have two buckets in AWS, one for production and one for the dev environment.
In the old Elements you could fill the bucket dynamically (isnt live version:formatted as text). In the new Elements this is no longer possible because the bucket can only be specified in the “Generating a Pre-signed URL” action. And there only statically not dynamically.

Can you please adapt this so that different buckets can be specified?

Hi @ch-schroeder,

Thanks for reaching out and for using our plugin!

Could you please let me know which version of the plugin you currently have installed in your application? After version 1.198.0, we migrated from client-side to all server-side functionality. Starting with version 1.199.0, the “Bucket Name” field in the “Generate Presigned URL” action can accept dynamic text, which allows the plugin to support multiple buckets and better fit your use case!

If you encounter any issues after updating the plugin, please let me know!

Just a quick note for future reference: it’s helpful to keep all your concerns in a single forum thread or message to ensure we provide the most accurate information.

Best regards :sunflower:

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Strange. I haven’t done an update but now it works :sweat_smile:

Hi @ch-schroeder,

I’m glad to hear that this behavior has been resolved on your side! I’ve also provided a reply in the other forum where you responded :slight_smile:

Best regards :hibiscus:

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