Services Plugins FAQs

AWS Subscription

Hi there, I wanted to ask some clarifications regarding the “AWS” File uploader - Any size.

I subscribed to “AWS” File uploader - Any size to test if it will work, luckily everything works well and I subscribed to it ($10/month) till the end of the month.

But I wanted to buy the plugin for $50 or payment of once, so I would not be subscribed to it every month, my question is will it affect my AWS or nothing will happen?

If I will pay the $50 payment once, will I just need to supply the following:

again like what I did when I subscribed?

Thank you and I hope you will answer my question.

Hello, @gesme
Thanks for your question.

Please note that plugin subscription or plugin purchasing doesn’t affect the performance of your application and data, you need to configure it.
Regardless of how you pay for the plugin, the configuration methods remain the same, and you just need to configure it according to the documentation:

Hope my answer was helpful to you.
Best regards,

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Thank you for this! :))

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Hi there,

@gesme Did you reconfigure everything anew when switching from subscribing to buying the plugin? I want to test the plugin for our purpose first as well. I am only wondering how the switch will look like exactly. Did you have to build everything from scratch/ is everything lost despite the AWS side?

Many thanks in advance :slight_smile:


You don’t need to worry about that, since this process does not influence the plugin’s performance.
Only in case you will cancel your subscription, and will not pay for the plugin, you will need to build everything from scratch.

In case you still have some additional questions - let me know.
Best regards,

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