Services Plugins FAQs

AWS Upload Plugin - Bug Latest version

I’ve upgrade to v1.183 of this plugin, and found that the element is not clickable anymore. I have to use the previous version to make it work properly.


Hi @pbenito,

Thanks so much for reaching out to us!

We are aware of the behavior in the latest version of our AWS File Uploader plugin (version 1.183.0). I have already reported this to the developers, who will provide a fix as soon as possible!

In the meantime, I recommend the following two suggestions to fix this behavior:

  1. Downgrade the plugin to version 1.182.0 or lower, depending on which version works best for you.
  2. Ensure the S3Objects element is present on the page to make these errors disappear and for the plugin to work as expected. Since our testing pages contain all functionalities of the plugin, we did not observe this issue during testing. If you do not want the S3Objects element to fetch data from your bucket, you can set it to “not visible” in the layout tab of the element settings, but the uploader elements will still work.

I apologize for any inconvenience this issue might have caused, but I will inform you as soon as a fix is released :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:


Hi @pbenito,

Hope you are doing well :blush:

I wanted to inform you about the AWS File Uploader plugin, specifically about the behavior where the File Uploaders do not work if an S3Objects element is not on the page. We have released a new version - 1.184.0 - which should resolve this issue.

If you could please update the plugin on your side and test it out, we would gladly appreciate some feedback :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:

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