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Blocked Days feature in Air Date/Time Picker does not work


I just tested the feature to disable certain days of the week within the Air Date/Time Picker calendar and it doesn’t work not even in my Bubble app as well as in the live DEMO
This concerns only the week days → the other feature to block certain days based on a condition works well.

May I ask you to update the plugin?
I would really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Hello @luk.bai333,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

We have already identified the issue you mentioned and have submitted a bug report to our development team for resolution in the upcoming updates. Rest assured, I’ll keep you updated as soon as the fix is deployed.

Should you have any additional questions while you wait, please don’t hesitate to contact us either here on the forum or via email at

Hope you have a wonderful day ahead :hibiscus:

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Hi @luk.bai333

We appreciate your patience. :pray:

We’ve updated the plugin and fixed the issue. Could you please upgrade your plugin to the latest version and give it a try?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you come across any further issues.

Best regards,

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I confirm that it works as expected!
Thanks a lot for your quick fix and reply :slight_smile:



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Hello @luk.bai333,

It’s great to hear the issue has been resolved now :pray:

If you have a moment, your feedback on our plugin and the support you received would be highly valued by us. You can share your experience by leaving a review for our plugin, reflecting on both the plugin’s performance and your interactions with Zeroqode as a company. Please feel free to rate us as you see fit!

To leave a review, simply navigate to the “plugins” tab in your Bubble editor, select our plugin, and scroll to the bottom of the page where the review section is located.

Should you face any further issues or have questions regarding any of our plugins, don’t hesitate to contact us either via email at or by posting here on the forum.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week :hibiscus: