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Booky - Template - Listings not appearing after Search

Hi there,

First post on this forum, thanks ahead for the help!

So here is the issue I am encountering:


  • I have purchased the Booky template.
  • I have added the API keys as explained for the Google Maps API here:
  • I have also now upgraded to the Personal Bubble app plan, I was not sure if this might be the root cause, doesn’t seem like it is
  • I have created two accounts and created Listings with one account as an Instructor
  • I have deployed the app in Live

When I create a Listing I expect for the user that created the Listing as well as other users, to be able to find it after a Search. And the Listings I created do appear in the App Data in the Live Database.


The Listing does not appear after a Search with both users, however having created another app with the Booky template in Bubble, I have found that when modifying the address in one of the existing Listings and Searching for that address the Listing does appear.

Therefore it seems that the template is set up properly and I am simply missing something in my deployment of the Live version.

Thanks again for your help and your time.

Best regards.

Hi @geoffreylambertsharp,

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, this issue is not reproducing on our side. If data on Listing is adding to the database, it is a good sign. Please check again if everything has been configured properly, first. Then try to create a new app using this template, make the same changes to it in your version-test mode and see if it works there, then deploy to live to test again. Also, when deploying your app to live, it is required to both deploy the database and the app itself in this case. However, for your live mode it is required to use live API keys rather than test keys where it can be applied, just as a note. In case it still doesn’t work, please tell us what browser and OS you are using, also any additional details like console logs, screenshots of your app and workflow would be helpful.

Hope it helps.


Hi @alexandru,

Thank you for the quick reply.

I had not yet added the Stripe API key and secret, which after doing and also adding the testing client ID solved my problem.

Issue closed : the Listings that I had created now appear if I search for the location I had set in them.

Will keep in mind to add logs, screenshots of the app and workflow in future threads! :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the speed and service.


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Hi @geoffreylambertsharp, just reaching out to ask if you like our template you can rate it by going to Template tab in Bubble editor. Find the template by name and give it as many stars as it deserves!

The more feedback we get, the more motivated we are to build great templates :smiley:

Thanks! :pray: