Services Plugins FAQs

Branded QR Code Generator Failing/error

Hi all,

I am using your qr code generator plugin in bubble to generate qr codes on order completion (esim activation codes) and then store the image/url in my database.

Im getting this error when running the workflow:

its referring to this action in my workflow:

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix this?

Note: When I setup a completely different workflow just to test the qr code generation it works but have this issue in my main workflow and cant for the life of me work out whats causing it.


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Hello @nick.lockley, :wave:

Thank you for reaching out.

After reviewing your case, I have also checked our demo editor, and I can confirm that the issue is not reproduced there. This suggests that the problem may be specific to the way the plugin is integrated into your main workflow or possibly a conflict with other elements or workflows within your app.

Here are a few general steps for further troubleshooting:

  • Check all the plugin settings in your main workflow against those in the test workflow where the QR code generation is working.

  • Investigate the order and configuration of actions in your main workflow. A different action may be interfering with the QR code generation.

  • Try using static data that you know works from the test workflow to generate the QR code in your main workflow.

  • Disable other plugins or page elements temporarily to identify any potential conflicts.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, please provide us all relevant details, including the steps you’ve taken, other workflow screenshots, and a loom video where the issue and workflows is demonstated. When having all the neccesary info our team will be more than happy to assist you further.

Best regards,