Services Plugins FAQs RichTextEditor totally broken with content overflowing on other elements


I just updated my richtexteditor plugin for bubble to the latest version, and it completely broke everything. I’m using the ZQ RTE Lite to show articles posted by using the ZQE RTE. However, the ZQ RTE Lite element doesn’t resize at all according to the content, it just stays at the minimum height. Because of this, the elements below it overlap on the ZQE RTE Lite element, making it totally unusable.

Can you please help to update the plugin as soon as possible, so that it becomes usable again.
This is a very serious issue that renders the whole plugin useless.

Hello @nico.nyberg,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We’ve forwarded it to our developer team for further investigation, and we will be in touch with you as soon as we have more information.

Just to clarify, I would like to confirm whether the problem you are experiencing is specifically connected to the “line-height” functionality.

If you could kindly provide a screenshot related to the issue, it would decrease the misunderstanding possibility. :pray:

Best regards,


Thank you for the response, I received the same response on forums and replied there. Perhaps is best to close this issue, and continue on the forums.