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Bubble Page to PDF converter Plugin for Bubble

Hi there,
I’m trying to use the Bubble Page to PDF converter Plugin for Bubble to convert to pdf an element that sits on a different page.
I have two pages :
Page A: This is where the button “Generate PDF” sits
Page B: This is where my element (with an attributed ID “print_canvas”) sits

I can’t seem to be able to use the Bubble Page to PDF converter Plugin for Bubble plugin to allow the user to generate the pdf from page A (I don’t want the user to see the element called “print canvas” before the pdf is generated because the user just needs to check some information (on page A) but not all the details that are printed).

Is there a workaround that I don’t know of?
Many thanks!

Hi all, bump. Has anyone come across the same challenge and found a solution? thanks

Hi @42.decaen, apologies for the late reply :pray:

Unfortunately, the plugin working principle is based on displaying and converting the page HTML.
If the elements that need to be converted are hidden or are on another page, the conversion would not be possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

A possible workaround would be to open page B as a new page, and set up the PDF converting workflow namely to the newly opened page.

For example:

  • On page A put a button “Convert to PDF”, which by pressing it will open the Page B.
  • And set the PDF conversion workflow starting with “When page B is loaded”

Hope it helps. Please let me know if I can help with anything else related to our plugin.

Makes sense. Thank you Serg for the response


Hi @42.decaen, you’re welcome :wink:
In case any other question will appear about our plugin, you know where to find us :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a nice day!