Services Plugins FAQs

Bubble PDF Converter plug in - Chrome on Mac issue

We’ve run into some inconsistencies with the plugin, it works 90% of the time but when a user on a Mac downloads a PDF from Chrome nothing happens. I’m not sure if there is a way to deal with this from Bubble? Please let me know what information you need to investigate this issue, or if you know how I can solve it

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Hello @mf.lotter, :wave:

I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with the Bubble Page to PDF Converter. To address this, please ensure the user’s Chrome browser allows file downloads and that both the browser and plugin are updated to the latest versions. If the issue persists, I recommend asking the user to check the browser console for any errors when they attempt to download the PDF. To do this, they can right-click on the page, select ‘Inspect’, then click on the ‘Console’ tab and try to download the PDF again. Any errors that appear could provide clues to the problem. Also please check your Bubble application server logs for any issues that may have occurred during the PDF generation or download process and make sure the process of PDF generation is completed before the download is initiated. Sometimes, if the document is complex or the server is under heavy load, it might take longer than expected for the PDF to be ready for download.

For further assistance, please provide the plugin version, Chrome version, any console errors, the operating system version, and a description of the page that is being converted. Do I understand correctly that the issue is replicated only on Mac in the Chrome browser or there are other devices?

Thank you for your cooperation!

Best regards,

Hello @mf.lotter, :wave:

Just a quick reminder – I wanted to check in with you regarding the issue you were facing on Mac. Has it been resolved? If you’re still experiencing any difficulties, I am open for more details and ready to help.:slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards,