Hi there!
Air calendar sometimes throws the following error:
The plugin Air Calendar (Full Calendar 5.6.0) / element AirCalendar threw the following error: Error: No available FullCalendar view plugins.
at Pr (https://dd7tel2830j4w.cloudfront.net/f1554824710708x739230373111764000/core.min.js:7:9800)
at Or (https://dd7tel2830j4w.cloudfront.net/f1554824710708x739230373111764000/core.min.js:7:8891) (please report this to the plugin author)
When the error appears the calendar fails to render.
I googled the error and I found maybe a missing dependency.
Adding the following code:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@fullcalendar/interaction@4.4.0/main.min.js"></script>
the error seemed to disappear, but it was a false positive because sometimes the error reappears and I can’t find out the real mix of conditions that triggers the error.
If I resize the calendar in the editor the error always disappears and the calendar is rendered as normal and there seems to be no other way to solve it. Refreshing the page does not solve the problem.
It is a real problem because I can’t give the app to my colleagues since if the error appears a normal user can’t solve the problem.
Any idea?