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Bug - Air date/time picker / "center" alignment in group


When i want to align airdate/time picker to be aligned in “middle/center” of the group, however, the plugin seems to not be responsive to the dimension and would always align on the left.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

  1. Settings:

  2. Preview:
    Screen Shot 2566-07-23 at 03.58.27

Hi @poisonivy,
Sorry for the delayed response. :pray:

Please note that the vertical and horizontal position fields are not functional for the inline mode. These settings only work when you disable the inline mode. So, if you choose to disable the inline mode, clicking on the Air Date/Time Picker input will position the inline as selected in the plugin element.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Best regards,

Hi @Gulce

Thank you very much.

May I kindly check if I could disable 2 categories of blocked dates?

  1. Block past dates
  2. Block the booked dates in the future

Currently i’m only able to do #2. would it to blocked the past date to be disable to book in the calendar as well.

Hi @poisonivy,

You can set the “minimum date” field to the current date/time. In this case, past dates will not be available.


Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Have a good day!

Best regards,