Services Plugins FAQs

Bug in Agora that the camera light on the device turns on even when the camera is turned off

I am currently working on a talk-based voice app and will nativize within a few months. Since only has a video plugin, I use a video streaming plugin instead of a voice plugin. (if you could afford it, please introduce voice plugin! it may also cover mobile browser background working voice…)

The end-users feel uncomfortable when users entering the room because the user device’s camera is on when they talking and listening. Workflow is all ok, so this function may be caused by the form plugin itself.

Could you update the plugin and fix it if you find where this bug comes from?

Hello, Thanks for reaching out.
Please accept my apologies for the late reply.

Let me please check the request you have. It might take some time due to the weekend. I will get back to you on Monday asap. Thanks for understanding.:pray:



Thank you for your response. I understand. I’m waiting for your reply.

Regards,, thank you for your patience. :pray:

We have checked on our end the Agora plugin and did not find any bugs or issues in its work. Would you kindly specify how to reproduce this issue and any additional details that might help us investigate it?

Also, as I may understand, you are requesting the separate plugin feature/component - agora voice (only)? I will add this request to the list of plugin updates, so we check how feasible it is to add it in the future plugin update. Thank you for suggesting it.


Hello, Kate.

I apologize that it has taken so long to get back to you.
Thank you for your support of this issue, and for considering our new voice-only plugin ideas.

I’m afraid that this plugin apparently not turning off the webcam itself as Zoom does.

In Zoom when turning off the camera, the device’s camera is turned off (as indicated by the webcam light on my laptop and the red video sign in the iOS Safari browser).

It seems to me that this plugin keeps on the webcam if the video is turned off. For reproduce issue, would you kindly turning off video from app workflow and look at laptop’s webcam light?

In our app, since it features voice chatting, the plugin would be more comfortable to turn off the device camera when the webcam is turned off to reduce the battery life of the device.

This may be a specification, but could you possibly fix this function?


Thanks a lot for the clarification and sorry that I did not get it at first :sweat_smile:
Yes, sure, we will check this with our dev team. Let me please investigate this moment and get back to you once any useful update is ready.

Thank you!

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Apologies for the late reply :pray:

I have discussed this point with my dev colleague and here is what I have: it is not possible, unfortunately, to influent the web camera light indicator when the video is disabled. The plugin made that way, so when the video streaming functionality is enabled (the user has proved the permission to use device’s webcam), the constant connection between the application and Agora service is set. Turning off the webcam indicator will break the connection and the user will be disconnected from the video conference room.

Still, in some modern devices (perhaps the webcam hard/soft is the point) the webcam light indicator is turning off automatically when the video feature is disabled from the UI. So this also depends on the user’s device and webcam drivers.

Apologies for not being able to find the constant solution that will work for every case. It is quite difficult, using Agora’s libraries to make the plugin flexible.

Still, I hope my answer was useful for you. :pray:

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Hey!! @kate I want to know if the camera issue has been resolved or if the application and Agora service are still constantly connected, which keeps the camera light on all the time.

Hello @rajlaxmi,

Thank you for contacting us!

After conducting comprehensive tests of the plugin on our demo page across multiple devices, including an iPhone, Macbook, and Windows laptop, I can confirm that deactivating the camera effectively turns off the light/icon for the devices while preserving the connection. I encourage you to test it on your end and let us know if you come across any issues.

For any further inquiries or assistance, please don’t hesitate to connect with us either here or at

Wishing you a pleasant day ahead! :blush:

Hello @dorel ,
I have tested it on my side and it is not working. Camera light is on even when I turned it off. I was using AgoraRTC_N-4.19.0.js which is latest version of web video SDK. I’ll attach below the photos.

Uploading: unnamed (1).jpg…

Hello @rajlaxmi,

Thank you for sharing the images!

To investigate further, we would appreciate a look at how you’ve configured the workflows pertaining to the camera’s disabling function. If possible, please share screenshots or details of this setup.

Moreover, we invite you to try out our demo page and observe if the issue replicates there.

Wishing you a pleasant weekend :hugs: :star2: