Services Plugins FAQs

Bug: Rich Text Editor HTML state not updated


I’m using the ZQ RTE plugin.

When I set the initial content or when I use the action to set content.

i.e. Like this

The RTE state Text is updated correctly.
But the RTE state HTML is not updated

The RTE HTML only updates after some edit.
The RTE HTML should also be correct after using the action.

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Hi @zubair,

Thanks for reaching out. Please let us investigate this issue on our side, then get back to you asap!


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Hi @zubair,

We have fixed the plugin. Please update to the latest version, refresh your app and give it a try again!


The HTML state gets correctly updated when using the workflow action.

There is another subtle bug too. When using initial content, the html state is not correct.

i.e. if I refresh page, I set initial content

but html state is not updated on page load.

Thanks @zubair,

Please let us investigate this one as well, then get back with an update asap!


Hi @zubair,

We fixed this one as well. Please upgrade, refresh your app and try again!


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Thanks. Now for another bug.

When I mention someone, I don’t see that mention caption in the text state. Shows up in html but not in text.

e.g. see below

@zubair And another one :slight_smile:

Let us check on this one as well, then get back to you asap.


Did you guys manage to find the issue?


Hi @zubair,

Actually yes, we just pushed a new version. Please upgrade, refresh your app and give it a try again. We managed to fix all plugin states!


I am still seeing weird behavior. The HTML and text states on the Editor are not updating when I type. A few days back I was able to grab the HTML from within the editor consistently.

Hi @sarabethjaffe,

Thanks for reporting! We fixed all state troubles yesterday, so now you should simply upgrade and use the latest plugin version.

Are you actually saying that the last version is not working properly on your side? Have you tried to use a Text element to display the plugin states?

Please let me know. :pray:


Thank you for the response!

It appears that I can grab the HTML from the RTE upon initial load but once I start typing in the editor the HTML attribute goes empty. Here is a recording.

I am on plugin version 1.80.0.

Hi @sarabethjaffe,

Thanks for the video! It is really strange, because we are not able to reproduce it on our side.

In this case, could you please add our account to your Settings -> Collaboration list (ignore the warning message regarding app plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us).

Tell us your app name and page name where it occurs on test, as well as exact steps in order to reproduce. Granting the admin rights to your app will speed things up a bit, and if you don’t mind creating a testing page for us where we can tweak the plugin - it would be great.

Also, what browser and OS you are using to develop and test your app?

We’ll investigate it inside your app and get back to you asap!

Note: you can send all details via DM if you will.


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Hi @sarabethjaffe,

Thanks a lot for providing the additional details. Your plugin hasn’t been updated for a long time perhaps, because it was set to v1.74.0. Now, we simply upgraded it to the latest version, refreshed the app and everything is working fine.

Please give it a try on your side. :pray:
