Services Plugins FAQs

🐇 Cloud Storage Plugin by Zeroqode

We’re excited to introduce the Cloud Storage plugin, a powerful alternative to the Wasabi Plugin, that overcoming the Public Bucket restrictions with Wasabi. It is designed to integrate cloud storage capabilities into your applications.

It comes packed with a wide array of features designed to simplify cloud storage management. The plugin simplifies the task of file uploads, and organization of data in the cloud, ensuring a streamlined experience for developers using the platform.

Through this integration, the process of managing files—from upload to download—is significantly eased, making it an ideal option for enhancing the capabilities and efficiency of web applications.

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DEMO & DOCUMENTATION Cloud Storage | Plugin for Bubble by Zeroqode


No-Code App Plugins for Bubble | Zeroqode

Ilinca-Andreea Ceban
Executive assistant @ Zeroqode
:gear: 400+ Bubble Plugins
:iphone: Native app builder for iOS & Android
:man_technologist:t4: No-code Development Services

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I’m using Bunny Stream for my video-based social Bubble app. I’d like to save the videos being recorded by my users from my Bubble app to Bunny Stream and then use the said video to stream it directly on the feed on my Bubble app.

Is this plugin capable of doing that?

Hi @alcardenasph,

Thank you for reaching out with your query. :blush:

Based on the details you’ve provided, it sounds like you’re on the right track. Our Bunny,net Cloud Storage Plugin for Bubble offers an efficient and user-friendly way to integrate Bunny,net’s high-performance cloud storage solutions into your existing workflows. It’s designed for simplicity and speed, enabling you to easily upload, delete, and download files, as well as manage your storage directly within Bubble. This integration streamlines the process of handling files on the Bunny,net platform, offering a hassle-free experience that’s perfect for your video upload feature.

Regarding the streaming of videos saved on, you’re correct that you would need a video player for that part. While our Bunny Cloud Storage Plugin works for managing the storage aspect, for the playback of your uploaded videos, you can explore one of our video player plugins and choose the one that will suit your needs the best.

In case you’re still uncertain about the plugins, you have the possibility to subscribe and test it out. And you’ll incur charges only for the days you use it, for a one-day plugin subscription, your charge would be the plugin’s fee divided by 31.

Therefore, if the plugin doesn’t suit your needs after a few days, you can simply uninstall it without incurring a significant cost.

If you have any other questions, please, let us know. :pray:

Wish you a great week ahead!

Important: Securing Storage Keys

Hi everyone! :raised_hands:

We would like to inform you about a simple yet effective way to secure your files on, even if your account access key is exposed. By making these adjustments, you can ensure your content remains safe:

  • Connect a CDN
    Integrate a CDN with your storage zone. This not only improves file delivery speed but also adds an extra layer of security.

  • Set Allowed Referrers
    In your settings, configure the Allowed Referrers field. This ensures that only authorized websites or apps can access your files, blocking unauthorized links or downloads.

These measures make your access key effectively useless to anyone who shouldn’t have it, keeping your files safe and secure.

For detailed instructions, refer to the updated plugin documentation.

Zeroqode Team