Services Plugins FAQs

Camera Freezing - QR Code Reader plugin

I purchased your QR & Barcode Reader, but I can’t make it work properly.
I am using the Barcode Type qr_code_reader
When I start the scanner, the camera moves initially for a split second, then freezes, displaying the current capture. I already tested it on zeroquode demo page and the same problem occurs.
Can the problem be fixed? It’s impossible to deliver an app for a client with this bug…
Thank you for your attention

Hi, @alencarguerreiro!

Thanks for reaching out!

We are already working on this. I’ll get in touch as soon as I have an update. Thanks for your feedback!

Best, Julia.

Hi, @alencarguerreiro!

We have updated the plugin: “Divided one element into two new ones. QR and barcode readers now in separate elements. Fixed bug on iOS”. The plugin works well on iOS up to 14 version. Please upgrade the plugin to the latest version, refresh your app and give it a try again.

Best, Julia.

Hi Julia,
Still not working for me. Can you send me the link for your new demo page if you have one? Because in your “regular” demo page it’s still not working either, the camera is still freezing.

Hey, @alencarguerreiro!

Yes, sure here it is: . What iOS version have you used while testing?

Best, Julia.

I am using version 14.2, that is not even the last iOS version. I’s pointless to pay for a plugin that works only up to a version that in 3 versions older than the current version…what a frustration with this purchase. Thanks the community I could find a FREE plugin that does the job your plugin don’t, here is the link for who wants to test it:

Finally, after spending money and months waiting a solution from you, now I have a free solution that can enable my clients to use the app.

Hi, @alencarguerreiro!

I am sorry to hear that you feel this way! The issue is connected to the Qr Code Reader Library on which we cannot influence, unfortunately. That’s why the QR Code works well up to 14 version. It is obvious, that there is no way to prevent all possible issue that might happen due to OS updating. Once the Library will be updated, QR reader will work on iOS +14.

Once again accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience! :pray:
Best, Julia.