Services Plugins FAQs

Can AWS FileUploader load to dynamically specified buckets?

Hi there,

I’m looking at buying AWS FileUploader. Each user of my app has their own unique user number like “220”.

When a user uploads a file, it will need to be directed into their own AWS S3 bucket of the same name. Something like “MyAppName_220”. With this plug in, can I concatenate the source of the upload so that my client’s files will land in their respective directories (buckets)?

Do I have to set the permissions and all of that in AWS for each and every unique bucket that is created for each user?


Hi @underhill.dan,

Thanks for addressing this one. Unfortunately, it is not possible. You’re only available to access your own and a single bucket by configuring the plugin with appropriate IDs. You can test the demo here and check its editor here to preview plugin settings and check its features, as well as possibilities. Docs can be found here.

Hope it helps.


Thanks for your answer. Let me ask this and perhaps you can point me in the right direction. Each file that my user uploads will have a unique preface in the file name which corresponds to their account. If their user # is 220, a file upload may be named something like “a673T_220_mypic.jpg”. Can I add a preface to any file that one of my users uploads?

The main thing about wanting to use separate buckets for each user is that it helps to ensure that only that user’s files can be accessed. If I mix them all together in one bucket with a file naming convention like I mentioned, I need to also know how much disc space their files are occupying (for billing purposes).

A part of the equation is knowing how much data they have uploaded and are storing at any given time. Can the FileUploader return the size of the file being uploaded so that I can save it to my database?


Hi @underhill.dan,

Thanks for your feedback. Now I think this use case can be accomplished, as this plugin comes with a field for filenames prefix, where you’re easily able to insert dynamic data. So you can assign the appropriate user, for instance. Plugin does come with a ‘file size’ state, as well as others:


Hope it helps.