Services Plugins FAQs

Can I use a combination of Zeroqode's Stripe Marketplace plugin and Bubble's API Connector?

I have bought the Stripe Marketplace Plugin and I intend to use this primarily. However, there are several customizations I need to have. For example, I need to have manual payouts enabled and I may need Stripe’s Separate Charges and Transfers functionality as well. From going over the Zeroqode Stripe Marketplace plugin, I can see that not all these features are available.

My question is: Can I use a combination of the Zeroqode Marketplace plugin and Bubble’s API Connnector to get the job done? Or can I only use one or the other in one app?

Hello, @sandeep.jaykumar!

Thank you for reaching out!

For sure you can definitely use the Stripe marketplace plugin and combine it with Bubble’s API Connector, some features might be taken from the Stripe marketplace plugin, for others you might consider Bubble’s Stripe plugin.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Have a nice day! :slight_smile:
