Services Plugins FAQs

Can't authenticate with Google People API

I have installed the Google People Bubble plugin and I am trying to get Auth to work. I assume something isn’t configured correctly.

The error Google is throwing when auth is attempted is as follows:

  1. That’s an error.

Error: invalid_client

The OAuth client was not found.

Request Details
That’s all we know.

Here is a screenshot of the Bubble plugin config:

Here are screenshots of the Google APIs page:

Check out attached screenshot please:

You are using OAuth 2.0. So you need to use clientId/clientSecret from next section:

Also you can use a generic redirect URL for all pages (include dynamic pages):


13 posts were split to a new topic: Using Google Sheets Plugin


I’m getting a slightly different error. I have enabled both Google Contacts API and Google People API and have the Client ID and Client Secret in the Google Contacts plugin fields within Bubble’s plug-in settings.

Can anyone tell me how to interpret this error? Much appreciated!

Hello, @edaviscr. Thanks for reaching out.
Apologies for the late reply :pray:

As I presume, you are using the Google Contacts + Offline plugin. The error message you receive says that you have used incorrect authentication credentials.

First of all, please make sure that you have entered the correct keys into the plugin settings.

Second of all, please check out our demo page setup in editor and compare it with your app setup. As our demo page is fully workable, you can use it as an example:

I hope it helps :pray:
Regards, Kate

Thanks so much, Kate. I had taken a look at the implementation referenced prior. My keys appear to be correct. With my test user, I can successfully authenticate and give access to its contacts to my app. I know this part is happening because I can see the app as authorized in that gmail account’s authorized apps (I then remove access to initiate the next test).

All of that is to say, it appears to me that the issue is further along in the workflow than the keys or else I would not be able to see that my app has access to my test user’s contacts, correct? Could there be something else related to pulling the contact data that is misconfigured? Much appreciated!


Can you please share the screenshot of the error you are receiving? The exact error that occurs in your app. Also, please share the screenshots of your workflow and provide the step-by-step guidance on how you can reproduce this error.

As long as I can not reproduce this bug in our demo page, I presume our workflow is quite workable and set up correctly. Please share the details of your issue to help us investigate your case and provide you with some useful insights :slightly_smiling_face:

Regards, Kate