Services Plugins FAQs

Chargebee plugin for Bubble with Product Catalog 1.0 of Chargebee


Your plugin “Chargebee for Bubble” is based on the Product Catalog 2.0 from Chargebee. Is some of early versions of your plugin based of Product Catalog 1.0?

Best regards,
Anton Rynskiy

Hello, @anton
Thanks for your question.

Please allow me to mention that this plugin was published by our team on July 21 :slightly_smiling_face:
Thus, the plugin is completely based on the Product Catalog 2.0 from Chargebee.

All Chargebee sites created from May 05, 2021, will have Product Catalog 2.0 enabled by default.
Additionally, you can check information following this link: Product Catalog Overview - Chargebee Docs

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,

Thank a lot for fast response, Ekaterina. Maybe you have some information, are there any plans to create the same Chargebee plugin, but for Webflow?

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Hello, @anton

Please allow me to mention that the Bubble and Webflow platforms are a bit similar, but they are separate.
Thus, unfortunately, I can’t provide you an exact answer regarding the same product on another platform :slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards,