Services Plugins FAQs

Charts and Graphs - Bug


I have recently installed and utilised the Charts and Graphs plugin which has worked well and looked great.

However, I noticed an error/bug on the “Line chart” element, which only seem to manifest in the “Live” environment and not “Version-test”.

Error Message

The plugin Charts and Graphs / element Line Chart 📈 threw the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'replace') at update (PLUGIN_1656156230536x298565765509152800/Charts-and-Graphs-update--Line-Chart----.js:3:1666) at eval (PLUGIN_1656156230536x298565765509152800/Charts-and-Graphs-update--Line-Chart----.js:3:4072) (please report this to the plugin author)

My Use case:

  • I am trying to display a list of users, grouped by their subscription end date (annual subscription so 12 months from now) > starting date is "Most recent subscription end date + (-13 months) > count of the monthly bucket.

  • My sole data is “Subscription end date”.

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Hello @stanley,

Thank you for reaching out.

I’m sorry to hear about the issues you’re encountering with the plugin. Based on your message, it seems this occurs only in the live version?

It’s likely that the error message is related to empty values for the Y/X axes. Could you please verify that the values you’re using in the live version are not empty? Additionally, you can inspect the “LineChart” element in step-by-step mode to ensure all values are parsed correctly (see image).

If the problem persists, could you kindly provide more details such as screenshots or screencasts of your plugin element, workflow, and the issues you’re observing, along with the expected results? I recommend using the Loom tool for recording screencasts.

Please include a video in step-by-step mode with the browser’s console open to capture any error messages. Share the link with us so we can better understand your use-case.

These details will help us replicate your setup on our side and address the issue more effectively.

Thank you once again, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,