Services Plugins FAQs

Classify template fee

How can I modify the Classify template so that all sellers will be charged a fee to list and to have a promo code box for fee discounts?

Hello, @kamfam11230
Thanks for the question.

By default, this template doesn’t contain any payment settings, thus, as a first step, you need to connect a related plugin to your app. As an example, you need to connect the Stripe plugin ( if this platform is available in your country).

Each new user, who is planning to post new content, should pay to admin of the platform. You can create a button for the payment somewhere:

Once a user creates a new ad and saves this information, it can be charged by adding the required steps in the Workflow.

Please check the example of the plugin for the payment:

Please let me know if you have some additional questions on this matter.
Best regards,

Is there a way that the ad won’t be submitted unless there’s a payment. The admin wouldn’t want to receive unpaid submissions and have to chase/remind sellers for payment.

Hello, @kamfam11230
Thanks for the question.

As I mentioned in my previous message, you can add the payment step on submitting the new ad, together with a “Save ad” button.
Also, you can add payment action in the workflow for the “Save ad” button, which will mean that the user will pay first.

Please note that all our templates are fully customizable, so you can change any required part of its design and functionality.
For this request, you just need to understand how correctly configure the payment plugin to your app.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.
Best regards,