Hello @nolanfoster.09,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
In case your application is built on Bubble, you may find it useful to use these plugins:
-QuickBooks Accounting Plugin: This plugin allows you to integrate the QuickBooks Accounting API into your Bubble-based application. You can use it to log in, synchronize data, and create, update, and delete items in QuickBooks Online. Documentation
-QuickBooks OAuth 2.0 Plugin: This plugin is designed to authorize users of your application in QuickBooks using the OAuth 2.0 protocol, providing a secure connection between your application and QuickBooks. Documentation.
-QuickBooks Accounting Sandbox Plugin: This plugin allows you to integrate with the QuickBooks “sandbox” to test features before running in a production environment. Documentation.
The plugin itself works as a bridge between the Bubble app and other services such as Quickbooks.
For a successful integration, please check out the accompanying documentation and the demo editor page we’ve provided in the links above.
Also, please be advised that Zeroqode is a company listed on the Bubble Marketplace and we do not provide QuickBooks cloud hosting
If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Have a great day ahead.