Services Plugins FAQs

Complete Google Analytics with Webhooks on Subdomain


I built app on bubble I sell as a white label to my clients, it is an analytics dashboard. Some of them want the full google analytics feature. I think I will use “Complete Google Analytics with Webhooks” plugin.
I precise their mainapp is not build on bubble, the sub domain app is only an analytics tool.

Basically they will insert their google ID in the bubble sub app. I retrieve data and give each customer a full specific report.

Is it doable ?


Hello Jean,
yes, this should be doable. But I’d suggest to play with the plugin first to make sure it does what you need before selling it to customers :slight_smile:

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I am really struggling with this plugin

Do you have a demo/ editor on how to integrate GA reports ?


Hello, @jv.hirigoyen.

Have you checked the documentation on how to setup the plugin:


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