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Copy to Clipboard with formatting - problem, copies everything

Hello @nilsklinger1

Thanks for your message and update. :hugs:

It’s great to hear that the HTML solution fixed the padding issue. Regarding the other concern you reported and demonstrated in the video, it is indeed unusual. We have tried to reproduce it on our end but haven’t been able to do so.

To better understand and address the issue, would it be convenient for you to add our Support Team email to your application’s list of collaborators and share the app’s link with us? This will allow us to examine your settings and replicate them on our end to pinpoint the problem.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator in the Bubble Editor, please follow these steps:
Settings > Collaboration > Add email

Additionally, please provide instructions on how to reproduce the issue on our side, including the name of the page where the plugin element is located, the workflow attached to it, a short description of where to click, and any user credentials necessary for troubleshooting.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,
Support Team
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Hey @Stephan :slight_smile:

I created a test app and invited your team.

Here is a video for explanation:

(I wasn’t able to reproduce my ‘white box problem’, but I found another problem, maybe that will help solve the other problem too).

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Hello @nilsklinger1,

Thank you for your message and for providing the additional details. :pray:

I have forwarded them to the dev team for further review and will update you as soon as more information becomes available. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,
Support Team
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Hello @nilsklinger1,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to follow up on the concern you noticed with the Copy to Clipboard plugin—notably that it wasn’t copying on the first click.

The dev team looked into the test page and workflow. The reason is in the workflow: when clicking the copy button, the application runs a series of actions:

  1. Change text in the rich text editor
  2. Show popup
  3. Wait 1 millisecond
  4. Run copy action

The application requests text from the database, which takes some time, so by the time step 4 runs, the rich text editor is either empty or still contains the previous text.

The 1ms pause is not enough to display the popup, so an error occurs on the first attempt because the element is not found.

Could you please review the new workflows[image] and let me know if everything is clear or if you have any further questions?

Thanks, and we look forward to your reply.

Best regards,
Support Team
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Hey @Stephan :slight_smile: Thank you! Okay that makes sense.

Is there any way you could upgrade the Copy to Clipboard plugin so that it can copy text with formatting from static text? So I could copy the text with formatting directly from the database.

Hello @nilsklinger1,

Thanks for your message.

Regarding your question, yes, it is totally possible to copy formatting from static text as well—just use the ID attribute of that text element instead. Also, please you can check our demo page for several examples.

Let me know how it goes or if you have any other questions.

Thanks and best regards,
Support Team
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Hez @Stephan :slight_smile: Thanks for your reply!

Good news! Thank God, the issue I was dealing with (regarding the white empty field) was solved. The html code that I was using to hide the Popup while copying caused it.

But I’ve now found two bugs that I didn’t notice before. Can you please have a look at them?

Issue 1:

Issue 2:

Thank you very much in advance. (Hopefully that’s the last things…)

Hello @nilsklinger1,

Thanks for your message.

I have reviewed the videos you sent and shared them with our development team for further investigation. We will get back to you with details as soon as we receive additional information from them.

Thank you, and have a great weekend ahead.

Best regards,
Support Team
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Hello @nilsklinger1,

I hope you’re doing well.

I’m writing to follow up on the concerns you raised regarding the Copy to Clipboard plugin. For your first concern about the content being inserted into a block, we investigated it and found that it is due to how Gmail handles copied content. For instance, when you copy a block of content using Command + C from Wiki and then paste it into Gmail, Gmail parses it as a block (please see this video for an example).

Regarding your second concern, we also looked into it and found that it is related to Gmail’s rich text editor. Gmail uses its own parser, which reduces formatting by removing extra new lines from the pasted content.

Unfortunately, these behaviors are determined by Gmail’s parsing system, so we are unable to change them on our end.

Thank you for your understanding. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,
Support Team
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Hey @Stephan :slight_smile: Thank you very much for investigating this!

Is it possible that both thinga could be solved if the Copy to Clipboard plugin would allow to copy text from the database with formatting? (As this would not copy a block but just text?)

Zerocode already have a feature that can copy from the database “copy from static text”, but currently it is without formatting.

Is there any chance you could add a feature to the Copy to Clipboard plugin that allows to copy text from the database with formatting?

@Stephan Update:

There might be another way to solve my issue (content being inserted into a block):

I found this Plugin on Copy to clipboard Plugin | Bubble

This plugin seems to be a copy of your Copy to Clipboard plugin - but with one major difference: This plugin can copy text without copying the block of the RTE, but it doesn’t copy with formatting…

Could you please check it out and maybe update your plugin as well so it doesn’t copy the block?

Hello @nilsklinger1,

Thank you for your message.

I have looked into the mentioned plugin, and it does appear to be a copy of the Air Copy to Clipboard plugin. However, in that plugin the “Copy with formatting” action simply copies plain text—which is also available with our plugin when you copy static text.

As mentioned in the previous message, we have investigated the cause of the box appearing when inserted into Gmail. As discussed, these are particularities of Gmail’s RTE that are beyond our control. We have also tested other text editors without such strict settings, and the content was pasted seamlessly.

Thank you for your understanding. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,
Support Team
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