Services Plugins FAQs

Coursely's youtube connect error

Hi there,
I have launched and test the site with template Coursely, but when I create the section (adding the video), it happens error.
Anyone knows what I should do?

Demo site is working correctly.

The screenshot of error is below.

Hi there @Masumi, based on this error message, it seems that the input field for Video Duration has been filled in with some data of a wrong data type. Could you please check if it corresponds with the data type of this field and give it a try again. It is required to insert the right data even for testing purposes to make sure the specific feature is working as intended. Thank you for understanding :pray:

Thank you ,Alex!

In your demo site, the error message dosen’t show.

But, my site shows the error message although I don’t change any backfront and its input data is same.

Would you mind confriming it?

Hi @Masumi, unfortunately this error is not reproducing on our side, even with provided video ID example. Without knowing more about your workflow, I can give a tip that might help. Try to create a brand new app with this theme for testing purposes. Don’t make any adjustments to the template settings, just try to use it as freshly purchased to see if it reproduces this error. However, it everything is ok, then please share more details on exact steps to reproduce it and any adjustments that are made to the template and workflow. Also, any additional details like browser and OS you are using, screenshots of workflows that were changed etc. would help. Thank you!

Hi @Masumi did you fix this error? I’m having the same issue. Also I did not make any changes, so I don’t understand why it’s not working. Thanks!

Hi guys @danielle, @Masumi, we have managed to identify the reason of this issue based on other forum requests. It is the missing value for the keyYoutube URL parameter in the API Connector settings for Youtube call (Video duration). To solve this, you can get the key from Google Cloud Console and enable the Youtube API.

This thread might be useful:

Thank you. :pray:

@alexandru, @danielle
Hi guys,
I don’t fix this problem yet.
But, in the first place, Youtube dosen’t let users upload video for sales purpose.
Most of my friends are deleted their videos because of reason above.
So, I will cutomize this theme that user upload their video to my site not Youtube or vimeo.


This worked! Thanks so much for your quick reply. Love it.

Hi guys,

Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad @danielle it’s working and @Masumi you have found alternatives.

Also, if you like our template so far, could you please rate it by going to Template tab in Bubble editor. Find the template by name and give it as many stars as it deserves. The more feedback we get, the more motivated we are to build great templates.

Thanks! :pray:

@masumi what did you use for the upload work around? Please advise, I am stuck here.