Services Plugins FAQs

Coursely - issue when adding the video code for creating a lesson

Hello. I bought the coursely app. So when I deployed it and tried to ad a lesson of a course the app returns an error attached to this message. Can someone help fix this issue ?

It’s working on the demo version, only when I deploy it it’s not working. It’s only for videos from Youtube.

Thanks for helping

Hello @abdoul.mazid09

We could not reproduce the issue in both Development and Live versions of template. Both times we added lessons to course and the process was completed.

I would suggest you take a look at the issue which states the reason of the returned error which from screenshot looks like it’s an “invalid key”.
In the API Connector settings for Youtube Call, please provide your valid API Key here

You can get the key from your Google Cloud Console, by enabling the Youtube API


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Well received @Dumitru . By the way, how to get the url… , and also the video_id used on the parameters ?

Hi @abdoul.mazid09

The url is taken from Google Docs API Calls - API Reference  |  YouTube Data API  |  Google Developers
YouTube Data API Overview  |  Google Developers

As for video_id url parameter, the value you place in field is designed for call to understand how id looks like. The id of youtube video is found in the url


Thank you @Dumitru it’s working now.

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Glad to hear it! @abdoul.mazid09

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