Services Plugins FAQs

Create a list of things from Json plugin

I have just purchased this plugin (JSON Creator (Frontend & Backend))
I am trying to understand how can i “create a list of things” in my DB

This is the JSON i am getting from the assistant of Open AI:

I am trying to create 2 new “activates” from this json (for each we have the activity name + description) in my DB.
Can you guied me in general what will be my steps?

  "activities_and_guidelines": [
      "activity_name": "Weekly Yoga Session",
      "activity_description": "A guided yoga session focusing on flexibility and relaxation."
      "activity_name": "Meditation Workshop",
      "activity_description": "An introductory workshop on meditation techniques for stress relief."
  "rules_and_policies": {
    "Payment Guidelines": [
      "Payment is due at the end of each session.",
      "Invoices will be issued weekly and are payable within 15 days."
    "Activity Schedule": [
      "Yoga sessions will be scheduled every week, with specific days subject to client and instructor availability.",
      "Rescheduling must be notified at least 24 hours in advance."
    "Cancellation Policy": [
      "Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled activity to avoid a cancellation fee."

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Hello @amityoushemla,

Thank you for reaching out.

We have reviewed your message on the Bubble forum and forwarded the request regarding the creation of documentation for the plugin.

Regarding your current question, could you please provide more details on what exactly you are trying to achieve? Are you looking to retrieve specific data from the JSON you already have and save it to the database, or are you looking to add specific data to the JSON? Also you can review our demo page as well to see an example of using the plugin.

Your clarification will help us understand your request better and provide a more accurate answer. :pray:

Thank you once again, and I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Hi and thanks for the reply!
I am trying to save to my db a list of new “things” from a json i am getting.

so in the example i displayed, i would like to create 2 new activities:
the first activity will be with a field name - “Weekly Yoga Session” and the description will be:
A guided yoga session focusing on flexibility and relaxation

The second activity will have the name “Meditation Workshop” and his description will be “An introductory workshop on meditation techniques for stress relief.”


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Hello @amityoushemla,

Thank you for your message and the details you provided.

The JSON Creator plugin is primarily designed for building JSON directly within the app. For your specific use case, where you need to extract data directly from JSON, you can use the JSON Toolkit plugin, which is free. There you can utilize the “JSONata query on JSON” action to retrieve the data you’re interested in.

For example, for your use case, you can check out the demo and use your JSON as illustrated in the example below:

For more information and to build different queries, please refer to the library documentation here: JSONata Documentation · JSONata.

I hope this information is helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,

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i am not sure
so why did you tell me to purchase the other plugin??

Did you got my messages?

Hello @amityoushemla,

I hope this message finds you well.

Creating and manipulating JSON content in Bubble may indeed require additional plugins or tools. In the initial message from the Bubble forum, it was recommended to check whether the plugin functionalities suit your specific needs, as it wasn’t clear what exact purposes you needed the JSON tools for. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and if there are specific functionalities you need, please let us know. We’re committed to exploring how we can enhance the plugin to better serve your needs.

Also, I’m curious to know if you had a chance to try the previous suggestion of using the Toolkit to retrieve the data via a query. Did that approach meet your requirements?

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this together. I’m here to assist with any further questions you might have with any of our plugin. :pray:

Thanks again, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,