Services Plugins FAQs

Createry template issue :

Hello everyone,

I bought the createry template since a year, and i’ve been trying to modify it for my needs (slowly but surely :D)

So i have these issues that i need to fix in order to deploy my app to live :
When i click on it, it’s the same issue repeating on several pages:

i have another problem :
In live version after adding my domain, i have the zeroqode banner, that i need to remove, when following instructions, i didn’t find the script mentionned, i found another that i removed in development version :

Since i removed it, i think it caused a problem with my header menu(the blank space above) :

When i scroll it does this :

Sorry for my bad english, i hope i explained my issues clearly,
I need your help in order to fix this, i’m here if you need other informations

Thank you and good bye !

Anyone can help ? I really need to resolve these issues

Hello, @gharbimelek92.

Apologies for the late reply. We are investigating your request.

Could you please also add our support mail as a collaborator of your app?
It will help us to identify the root cause of your second issue.

Thank you for understanding :pray:

I can’t add collaborators, i need to upgrade my plan, i can send you the link of my app instead


You can add our support email as a collaborator, not depending on what subscription plan you have :slight_smile: This will be a more effective way to check your issues.


It’s done, i added your email, (sorry i thought i replied via email)


It’s OK, thank you. I have to inform you that the investigation of your request might take some time. I will let you know the result asap. I rely on your understanding. :pray:



I have checked your app and found the root causes of your issues. Here they are:

  1. The ZQ Banner issue.

You deleted the “script in the body” section, as it is said to do in the instruction.
But the workable solution was to delete the “script/metadata tags in header” also:

  1. The Floating group issue.

The first half of this issue is incorrect element nesting. Your 2.Nav element was out its parent element - Group Nav Container: and the correct nesting is this

The second half of this issue is incorrect properties of the 1.Nav/2.Nav elements (it seems like you had as floating group all Group Nav Container, 1.Nav and 2.Nav elements - but the floating group should be only Group Nav Container).

I have fixed this issue, thus to avoid confusion, I left in your app only fixed Group Nav Container elements and removed yours (you can recognize correct elements by a “copy” word in them).

Now you have only 3 issues left, which you need to complete by adjusting your Stripe and Google Decode APIs

If any additional questions will appear, please let me know.

Thanks for your help !


You are welcome :slight_smile: