Services Plugins FAQs

Custom Dropdown Blank Option


I have been looking at your custom drop down plugin and currently have a subscription, and for the most part is working great for my needs. I do have a question and I’m sorry if this is obvious, but when choosing to check the box to “Add Empty Option” it adds it just fine to the top of the drop down, however I am unable to select it to clear the previously chosen option (or leave the dropdown blank after choosing something). Am I missing something? I also can not get this to work on the demo page (unless I am allowing multiple selections and can click the “x” which I don’t need).

Thank you for any and all help with this.

Hello @ghostevo,

Thanks for reaching out to us and for using our plugins.

We checked into your request and noticed as well that the empty row can’t be selected when using the “Add empty row” checkbox. We’ve forwarded this to our development team to confirm if this is expected behavior and to check the possibility of making the empty row selectable. We’ll keep you updated on any progress on this matter.

If you’ll have any other questions or inquiries in meantime, please let me know.

Thanks you once again, wish you a great day ahead!

Best regards,

Hello @Stephan,

Thank you for checking this out and having the development team look into it. I appreciate it!

Have a great day!

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Hello @ghostevo,

I hope this message finds you well.

I’m reaching out to inform you about the new update, version “1.34.0,” for the #Advanced Custom Dropdowns Plugin. We’ve added the feature to make the “empty option” selectable in the dropdown, as you requested and it is indeed a valuable enhancement.

Could you please update the plugin on your app to the latest version, test it out, and let me know if everything is working well as you expected? Also if you have any other questions or improvement ideas please let us know.

Thank you once again for bringing this to our attention.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


My apologies for the delay in checking the new version; I was out of town. I reviewed the latest update and tested the blank option, and it seems to work perfectly! Although it took me a bit to test it, I am amazed at the speed at which the dev team got an update to support the blank option. Awesome work!

Thank you again for all your help with this!!

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Hello @salbert,

Thank you so much for your message and feedback, it trully means a lot to us. :pray:

Please feel free to reach us again when you need some help or assistance. It will be a pleasure to cooperate. :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, if you like our plugin you can rate it by going to the Plugins tab in Bubble editor. Find the plugin by name and give it as many stars as it deserves. We would appreciate it a lot!

Best regards,