Services Plugins FAQs

Data Sync for Firebase - Export Data its not working

I’m following the procedure below:

Now that the Data Layer is setup you can start making use of the other element action’s to read, write & delete data & also export your bubble data or post the Data Layer JSON to your apps workflow API.

The ‘Export Bubble Data’ action comes in two parts, first you need to run the ‘Export Bubble Data (1)’ action followed by the ‘Export Bubble Data (2)’ action. To use the export actions you need to enable your apps Data API (GET), check all ‘things’ you want to export & generate an API key. The API Key is required in the plugin’s settings in the field Bubble Data API Key .

Exporting is as simple as defining your Data API’s URL for the thing your exporting, then using the resulting JSON in the 'Export Bubble Data (2) ’ action.

My workflow:

My output json:

My collection still empty:

What am I doing wrong ?

Thank you for reaching out and for using the Data sync for Firebase Plugin.

There could be several reasons why your data is not being exported to Firebase. Here are a few things you can check:

  1. Check your Firebase configuration: Make sure that your Firebase configuration is set up correctly in your application. This includes making sure that you have the correct Project ID, Web API Key, and Bubble Data API Key.

  2. Check your security rules: Firebase security rules determine who can access your data and what they can do with it. Make sure that your security rules are set up correctly to allow your application to access and write data to your Firebase database.

  3. Make sure the GET API URL is correct and the Database thing has the same naming.

If everything is correct, try to create another Firebase database using the same format as Bubble Database and name and check again.

Hope the above will be useful.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Regards, :pray: